Ordination to the Priesthood Henry Longbottom on Friday 17 July at Leeds Cathedral in a Votive Mass for the Feast Day on which the Ordination would have taken place had lock-down not intervened: the Feast of St Margaret Clitherow and the Yorkshire Martyrs.
Physical distancing regulations meant that Henry’s family, including his four sisters, his friends, parishioners, and fellow clergy were spaced across the Cathedral – but this did not affect the sense of joyful occasion, and although there is now no congregational singing, the music from the Cantor and Organist created a prayerful atmosphere.
Right Reverend Marcus Nigel Stock, MA, STL, Tenth Bishop of Leeds reflected in his Homily that Fr Henry would hopefully never have to encounter actual martyrdom; however, it is the lot of a priest – and indeed of any Christian witness to the Faith – to make sacrifices and to endure hardships and calumnies. Before Fr Henry was vested in his new chasuble, Bishop Marcus explained the significance of this vestment to a priest, which is to remind him of charity, the love of Christ: ‘Over all these virtues put on love, which binds the rest together and makes them perfect (Colossians 3:14)
Photographs below by Patrick Sice.